Tag Archives: baking


23 Dec

This is a guest post I did for thefoodinmybeard August 18, 2008.

For those of you that may not know…I love Birthdays…in fact I love any reason to celebrate at all. Kim’s Birthday this Saturday was perfect timing to get my baking skills back up to par. I’m a huge fan of cupcakes instead of cakes for birthday desserts for two reasons. One being that you have the opportunity to have various designs and colors without looking over done. Second, in my personal opinion I feel that people are more likely to grab a cupcake then to grab a piece of cake that has to be on a plate and ate with a fork. Cupcakes are low maintenance and fun to eat. That being said….I have been hearing lots about Amy Sedaris’ cupcakes, and wanted to give them a shot. If you don’t know who she is, I’d suggest watching some Strangers with Candy. I decided to stick with the vanilla cupcake recipe and add a special touch of stuffing them with some chocolate frosting.

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